
Written Into Rock Featured Artist: Kristina Sheufelt

Written Into Rock is now on view in the 117 Gallery from now until May 5. Check out our feature on Kristina Sheufelt who has several pieces in this exhibition. Learn more about the exhibition here.

April 25, 2018-Kristina Sheufelt is a multimedia artist living and working in Detroit, Michigan. She received her BFA from the College for Creative Studies in 2013 with high honors. Her current work is an exploration of the many intricate relationships between civilization and nature. Raised in rural Michigan, she draws on childhood experiences and an early fascination with the study and categorization of plants and animals. Sheufelt’s mixed media works combine natural and manufactured materials, often collected from around Detroit and nearby rural areas.

Kristina Sheufelt

Kristina Sheufelt

“My works take a multitude of different forms, each a study of the things which fascinate me; namely, the constant interactions of the manufactured and the natural. I see these facets of the world as being simultaneously separate and indivisible. While I often create objects and imagery that force the two to cohabitate, I also like to call attention to the boundaries, real or perceived, which exist between them. With specific pairings of two opposing elements, I refer back to my childhood in rural, wooded Michigan, as well as my relocation to Detroit, where a similar struggle between civilization and the reclaiming forces of nature exists in many deserted parts of the city. While some works deliberately refer to specific ideas that I have fixated on (for example, native vs. invasive species), I have recently worked to simplify my process into a more minimal juxtaposition of materials. While these material combinations are intended to be easily digestible to the viewer, they call to mind a separation of spaces, reminding us of the borders which humanity has created and of the varying degrees to which these borders succeed. I find that sometimes these combinations are satisfying to the viewer, and other times create discomfort.”

Check out more of Kristina’s work on her website.

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