
Waitlist Policies

How do I join a waitlist for a given camp week?

If a camp week is full, you may click on the “Add to Cart” button and proceed to checkout to join the waiting list. You will NOT be required to pay to join the waitlist.

How will I find out if a space becomes available?

Our waitlist is now automated.

If you are next on the waitlist for a camp week and a seat opens, you will automatically be sent an e-mail invitation to register for it. You will then have 24 hours to accept the seat, before our automated waitlist offers it to the next participant on the waitlist and the opportunity closes.

Payment will be due upon accepting the seat.

If a seat opens within one week prior to the start of a given camp week, the A2AC reserves the right to contact everyone on the waitlist via e-mail. In this case, the e-mail would instruct how to register for the open seat and it would go to the first person who registers.

If you do not receive an e-mail from us, a space has not yet opened.

What if I don’t see the waitlist e-mail until after the invitation expires?

The automated system will have already removed you from the waitlist and offered the space to the next student. Families are welcome to go to the camp registration page, find the camp week, and rejoin the waitlist.

How can I help ensure I immediately see a waitlist notification e-mail regarding any spaces that open up?

We encourage parents to set-up an e-mail notification on their phone for e-mail communications that come from the following e-mail addresses:



*This will help to notify you when a waitlist e-mail arrives and will also help prevent e-mails from being filtered into a spam, promotions, or junk mail folder.

What does it mean if I have not been contacted by the A2AC?

If you do not receive an e-mail from us, it is because a space has not yet opened.

While we are unable to guarantee that a space for your child will open up, please keep in mind that spaces may open at any time and in rare circumstances, even on the first day of camp.

Please do not attend the first day of camp unless you have been contacted by an Art Center staff member. No charges are assessed until your child is enrolled in camp.

Should I call the A2AC to check on my waitlist status?

Due to the large volume of inquiries we receive, we request that students follow the procedures listed above and wait to be contacted by e-mail if a space opens.

*1 out of every 5 students cancels or transfers. It is not rare for us to go through an entire waitlist to fill open spaces in a given camp week. Spaces may open up until the first day of the camp week.