
Scholarship Information & Guidelines for Classes

Individual Scholarships for a Class

These scholarships are open to youth and teens.

Applicants may apply for one class or workshop per year.

Scholarship award amounts may vary.

Multiple family members may apply.

Supply Costs

All supplies are included for youth classes and teen classes (except digital art classes) , and most (but not all) 1-day workshops and date nights.

Some classes require that students provide their own supplies, which scholarship funds do not cover.

Scholarship Applications

To be considered for a scholarship to take a class, you must complete a scholarship application and provide evidence of household income.

Evidence of Income

Instructions on how and where to submit these documents will be listed on the scholarship application. Evidence of income is required once per calendar year.

Applicants will be asked to submit one or more of the following documents with their application:

  • W-2 from most recent year
  • Employer Pay stubs: two of the most recent
  • Documentation of governmental assistance
  • Snap benefits letter from food stamp office
  • Social Security/ SSDI/ or Pension Report

*Please include evidence of income for anyone in your household that receives income.

*Be sure to blackout any sensitive information, such as social security numbers.

Scholarship Awards

If a scholarship is awarded, it may cover anywhere between 75%-100% of the cost of a class.

*Once a student has accepted a scholarship, it is non-transferrable.

When a student withdraws from a class, the scholarship is cancelled and may not be applied to a different term. Cancellations may affect eligibility for future scholarships.


If you are awarded a scholarship that is less than 100% of the tuition cost, payment of your portion of tuition is due by the date listed on your award letter. An A2AC staff member will reach out to you to facilitate this process.

Reflections Letter

Scholarship funding is made possible by our generous donors. Upon accepting a scholarship, you agree to submit a letter reflecting on your experience and what you valued or gained from it. This letter is due within two weeks after the end of your class and will be shared with current and prospective donors.

A2AC Class & Refund Policies

A2AC class and refund policies apply to all students, regardless of scholarship status. Read policies here.


The A2AC does not validate parking. Click here to view parking options, including free parking areas.

Terms & Conditions

Scholarship recipients are expected to attend class regularly and submit the Reflections Letter by the due date. Poor attendance, failure to use the scholarship during the term it was issued for, withdrawal from the class, or failure to submit the reflections letter may affect eligibility for future scholarships.