Queer Chimera: Fiber and Mixed Media Art by Juniper Wolfenbarger
Exhibition On-View: August 30 – September 29
in the A2AC Spotlight Gallery
Opening Reception: Friday, September 13, 6-8pm
Artist Statement
This exhibition is about relationships: with oneself, gender, and chosen and biological family. The word “chimera” in the title not only means combining different elements into one but can also describe a figment of the imagination or an illusion. I imagine these relationships as chimeras, combining creatures with dream-like landscapes, highlighting their connection to each other.
The interplay of creature, object, and landscape represents real-life relationships. I employ color, composition, and symbolism to create corresponding feelings of warmth, playfulness, tension, or numbness.
This collection of work is a way for me to celebrate my queerness and the process of building a chosen family, and a way to process the grief and loneliness of lost connections.
I hope that viewers will approach their own relationships with a sense of curiosity and imagine new ways of understanding those bonds.
Artist Bio
Juniper Wolfenbarger (they/them) is a genderqueer artist based in Ypsilanti, MI. In 2017, they began working with hand embroidery techniques as a way to celebrate their lifelong adoration of fiber practices they were surrounded by in their youth. In addition, they are a skilled illustrator and painter, and enjoy working with various mediums to stay explorative in their art practice. They share their passions through teaching workshops and sharing their art through exhibitions and online.
They have acted as a mentor in multiple youth programs (located in Toledo, Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor), teaching about art and food justice. As a graphic designer, they have partnered with poets, youth organizations, artists and institutions to design print materials, books and zines focused on social justice issues.
Opening Reception
Friday, September 13, 6–8 pm
Ann Arbor Art Center
117 W. Liberty St., Ann Arbor
Join us for the opening reception of Juniper Wolfenbarger’s solo show in the Spotlight Gallery on the 2nd floor of the A2AC. This artist will be in attendance.