
Paula Schubatis Textile Installation

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From October 2 – November 4, 2018, Detroit based artist, Paula Schubatis took over a portion of our gallery shop to create an immersive textile installation titled, Noli tubare circulos meos.

Artist Statement:

Schubatis is a purveyor of all things bright and glittery. She explores urban landscapes through woven textiles, paint, and found materials, using material remnants of the past to manipulate the tactile experience of the present, in an attempt to “assert connections to the past by strengthening links to the present”, and blur the distinction between art and artifact. 

Her design work comes from a performative and ceremonial aspect of design and art-making as well as the ritual of utilizing functional objects in everyday life. Her work takes on beautiful, painterly, ethereal forms but is often a good-natured poke at traditional notions of style/taste, form, and function.

She describes herself as ‘captivated’ by the interactions of colors and forms and has an intimate and fluid understanding of their dynamic relationships.

Artist Website