Featured artist, Lorraine Kolasa, has her piece, “Arachne, I’m Sorry” in our 117 Gallery as part of our current exhibition, Sanctuary. Check them out from now until July 14.
A Metro-Detroit native, Lorraine Kolasa graduated with a BFA from Eastern Michigan University, with a concentration in jewelry/metalsmithing. Textile crafts have long been a hobby of hers, and she’s thrilled that her current work manages to combine that hobby with her area of professional study. In addition to being a resident artist at Ypsi Alloy Studios, she’s also an active member of both the Michigan Silversmiths Guild and the Great Lakes Lace Group.
Artist Statement:
When we think of lace we so often think of it as something delicate, something fragile, but that perhaps downplays the significance it—and other fiber crafts—have played throughout history. These crafts are culture and community; they’re heritage; they’re therapy, both physical and mental; they’re literal protection from the cold in the form of scarves and sweaters, and they’ve been a traditional form of financial protection as well, as countless women have earned their livelihood through them. Most of all, they are important and worthy of respect. By transforming lace into metal, I force people to look at it not as something delicate and fragile, but as something strong and enduring, and by taking inspiration from chain maille and other armor, I seek to emphasize just what sort of role these skills have played—and continue to play—in women’s lives.
Check out more of Lorraine’s work on her website.