Marc McCay
February 26 – April 13, 2020
About the Artist:
Marc McCay is an artist and educator based in Toledo, OH. He received his Master of Fine Arts in Printmaking from Indiana University, Bloomington, Henry Radford Hope School of Fine Arts.
Coming from California and having traversed the country several times he finally landed in the Midwest. In addition to his printing practice, Marc also manages the Ceramics Studio at the Ann Arbor Art Center and is an active member of M12 Studio, an award-winning interdisciplinary group of artists, researchers, and writers collectively based in Colorado.
About the City Gallery:
In collaboration with the City of Ann Arbor, the Ann Arbor Art Center curates rotating exhibitions in the City Council Chambers. Each exhibition highlights the talent and creativity of artists who live and work in Ann Arbor and throughout Washtenaw County. To inquire about purchasing artwork, please contact the Art Center.