Are you watching Bloodline on Netflix? If you are, then you probably saw local artist Carolyn Reed Barritt’s artwork in one of the scenes (Season 2)…
Here’s the story directly from Carolyn:
“The film industry is quite active in Pittsburgh and rents and licenses artwork from the gallery I’m represented by there, Box Heart. The production company for Netflix’s series Bloodline asked the gallery to recommend artwork to use on sets for the filming of the series’ second season, and the set designer chose several paintings from those recommendations. He ended up with three of my artworks, Station, Aurora and Bloodlines (I think it it didn’t hurt that one of my artworks was titled Bloodlines…) and artworks from two other Box Heart gallery artists, Joshua Hogan and Kuzana Ogg. As they were filming in Florida, they decided it would be best to print copies of the paintings from digital files instead of renting the originals. (The gallery has high-res digital files of the artworks they have in-house.) I signed a Props/Set-Dressing/Wardrobe release for the artwork, which allowed them to create a single copy of each artwork to use as they pleased. The filming of the set with my artwork was done this past winter and the finished episodes were released on Netflix on May 27. I didn’t know when or how my artwork would be used — or even if it would be used at all — so I madly fast-forwarded through all the episodes after Netflix released the season. It was really fun to finally see two of the artworks! Bloodlines and Station, in the background of a scene! They appear together in Part 21 as wall art in the waiting area of an office in a high-rise (left wall). Having my artwork in focus and recognizable is exciting — even though it is only visible for about 5 seconds. If the set is used in season 3 maybe the art will appear again…”


Carolyn Reed Barritt is an amazing local artist who has been part of the Ann Arbor Art Center’s community for years. She not only sells her artwork at the 117 Gallery Shop, but she has also taught classes in our studios.
Learn more about Carolyn Reed Barritt
Come check out her artwork at the 117 Gallery Shop!