Narooz Soliman
“Flamingoes and Otters in Paradise”
LOCATION: S Fourth Ave Side of Fleet Fit – 123 E Liberty St
PRESENTED BY: Ann Arbor Main Street Area Business Improvement Zone
Official Sites: Instagram
I am an elder millennial. Born Half Egyptian/wisconsin, raised half in Midwest/south, and I’m on the cusp between Gemini/taurus.
I paint murals, windows, houses, portraits, signs, faux finishes, and sometimes vehicles. I have a BFA from the University of North Florida and an MA from Eastern Illinois University. I’ve lived in 5 states and seen all most all 50 of them. My art career began with graffiti, but I discovered an allergy to jail which motivated me to start using a brush.
I’ve modeled my career after the training sequence in “Samurai Jack”, (the award winning animated series) who mastered many fighting styles before venturing out against his enemy. I took every opportunity to master a wide variety of styles and media, now I can pick and choose the best technique and material for the task at hand. As a result It has been challenging to decide on a single style or image, that I can call my own. To market myself by and make a name for. I do however enjoy the variety of projects that come my way, and for each one I start over again, from scratch, building a style guide, following my own rules until the space is filled, making notes and keeping recipes in case they are needed in the future, and ultimately starting over again on a new project.
“I am a mural painter, inspired by the natural wonders of planet Earth and the reverence for them that I feel as a human animal.”
“I see all creatures as sacred, and by depicting them in gold (similarly to how gold was used in religious iconography), I hope to translate the feeling of sacred beings in a kaleidoscopic natural setting. Those special moments, like seeing wildlife in their natural habitat while the leaves are changing, were so special and serendipitous that we would cross paths, both delighting in our shared world, equally deserving of all this joy.”
— Narooz Soliman