Aquarium Gallery: Paul Valadez, “Carne Mysterioso”

Paul Valadez (Ediburg, TX)
Carne Mysterioso
May 13 – June 15, 2019
I am a figurative painter working with mixed media, acrylics, metal and text, his work subtly deals with race, culture and history through a concept of “old signage”. I was born in San Francisco, raised in the Central Valley of California and currently reside in Edinburg, Texas where I am a professional artist and full-time lecturer in the Art Department at the University of Texas-Pan American.
My work represents my experiences growing up in a bi-cultural (Mexican American and Anglo) household and of my childhood memories of life in the Central Valley of California. I often create paintings using acrylics on papier maché and recycled materials that I then work the surfaces to appear old and distressed giving my audience a sense of nostalgia and history, through developing the creative process, knowing one’s audience, cultural identity, social influences and how the power of using text can influence a viewer’s interpretation of artwork.
I was born in San Francisco and raised in the Central Valley of California and for the last 10+ years I have called The Rio Grande Valley home.
I earned my BFA from The San Francisco Art Institute and my MFA at The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill where I was awarded a Weiss Urban Livability Fellowship for visual arts. Presently, I am a full time Lecturer at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (formerly UT- Pan American).
The inspiration for my personal work is a reflection of my geographic region, daily life, and of contemporary issues. One of my most fueled sources for new work is invigorated by childhood memories of growing up in a bi-cultural household in the Central Valley of California during the social climatic changes of the 1960s and 70s.
Acquired by numerous national and international museums, institutions, and educational facilities my work is among the permanent collection of over 20+ museums and art centers in the US.