
Yuling Chuang

Hidden Message I
Mixed media with reed, skeleton leaf, pig casing, watercolor, & ink
Incarnation II
Mixed media with cotton fabric, pig casing, acrylic, canvas, & varnish

Yuling Chuang

Official Sites: Website


Born and raised in Taiwan, Yuling Chuang worked for several years in Taipei as a reporter, editor, and writer.  She has a degree in Journalism and is mostly self-taught as an artist, after finding her calling.

By exploring and incorporating a broad range of materials and techniques, Chuang imbues her work with complex moods, surreal ambiguity, and conceptual metaphorical meaning to invite silent dialogue and to draw contemplative attention.  She expresses the contradictions, transience, fragility, and poignancy of life through subtle detail, texture, and layering.

Chuang has traveled extensively around the globe, which has profoundly influenced her perception of art, life, and humanity in general.  She now lives and works in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.


Intrigued by the sensuous, mysterious, and ever-changing world, I attempt to capture and interpret the ungraspable elements of time and change, to conceptualize and make tangible the fleeting moments of our inner landscape and the fragility of the human condition, and to exploit/explore the unusual beauty of the perfect imperfection of nature.  By crossing over media boundaries, taking a spontaneous yet detailed approach, I hope to deliver complex art narratives that can draw and repay sustained attention and reflection.

Hidden Message I: There is always something hidden beneath the surface. Maybe it is a bit of dirt, a piece of skeleton leaf, a few words, or a little bit of moss…they carry messages of life and death, of decay and rebirth. Through imagination, feeling, and thinking, one can go deeper inside to explore even more hidden messages.

Incarnation II: Embodiment in the form of a lacy, intricate web–something from within, slowly transforming.  In this process of incarnation, our mind travels layer by layer along a winding path in search of unknown possibilities and wonders.


I make art by exploring and incorporating a broad range of materials and techniques. Through subtle detail, texture, and layering; I imbue my work with complex moods, surreal ambiguity, and metaphorical meaning.